Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Some random stuff:

Mellow Melon Matador is in the mood for a mighty, mouthwatering meal

Thanks Sepia Tom!

assignment: mashup Van Gogh's "Starry Night", anything from Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, and anything of Georgia O'Keefe (this is the first oil painting i've ever done)

self portrait -no photos allowed- all mirror/in class: I was going to buy a $20 panel board with a finished surface. Luckily with the help of the nice people at Continental, I found some simple wood boards for like $1. I gessoed it at home and started to paint in class. I wanted to go for a rougher look which is pretty fun and easy with oils. Obviously, it's not done yet! work in progress... but!!! the #1 thing I hate most about oil painting is transporting it back and forth. As you can see... it got fucked up in the car :'( womp-wooommmmpp!

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