Sunday, June 10, 2012

summertime is flippin' sweet

Updates: I participated in Long Beach Art Walk yesterday along with my coworkers at Lyons! It was a really chill crowd and I had fun--sold some prints and originals! :D It was all very exciting for me. 
Also, I'll be swapping my painted skate deck in exchange for two smaller paintings done by the excellent Jonathan Bueno

Artist 1 of a series I'm working on (I was selling the finished product at Art Walk) haha, look my IDGAF-sleepdeprived face!
Graphite: 3H/2H/H/F/HB/2B & Crescent 300 CP 

made this flyer for DJ OLDBOY who will be having his final night of Cookies 'N Grease @ Que Sera. You know you wanna go and get down!

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