Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the home stretch

it's finals right now. utter madness! but some good news:

-Participated in and sold a linoleum print at Cookies n Cream in South Pasadena (organized by Smynty)
-My bookplate stickers were received well at a Bu-Tiki (a local holiday boutique--special thanks to Carolyn & Dacy)
-Almost done with this semester and will finally get around to finishing logo projects, website stuff, and be able to take on some commission work
-Most exciting: got accepted as a ICON8 volunteer member! Very stoked and will be surrounded by stellar artists. Can't wait to be back in Portland!

I've been working on my portfolio book for my Production class. Here are some random things that I used and didn't use for it:

Bookplate example

it's been fun experimenting with book layout design. i'm still not a bookbinding wizard, though.

my IKEA room in the winter sun

it's cool being in the display case. especially when your piece isn't falling off the wall

finally got our 2-color comics printed out. risograph printing is pretty neato

Dacy takes great photos of this creature

self portrait doodle
I guess this is the most recent hairdo? it's always changing since I'm growing it out

Flying Morrison wheat paste they put up near work

my bookshelf: snuck in my own book jacket design

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